In the early summer of 1997, my parents took me out to dinner to have "The Talk. "What are you going to do for work? How are you going to make money?" With a degree in Therapeutic Arts, with a Concentration in Dance & Choreography from Ohio University and just returning from a year of exploration and dance in Asia, my response came out easily, "I hope to never work a day in my life because I will love whatever I do".
Once I received my degree in Massage Therapy from The Boulder College of Massage Therapy (BCMT) in 1998 I kept that promise to myself.
Prior to that, while travelling in Asia,1996/1997, I studied Thai massage. As a dancer, Thai massage is rhythmic and graceful. Continuing education over the years has included studying Rolfing, with Mimi Berger and Til Lachau, many classes on TMJ dysfunction, Spine, Concussion treatments, Orthobionomy, Shiatsu, becoming a massage doula and even expanding my training to other species with my certification in Canine Massage. I have also had the fortune of studying Tellington Touch (T-Touch) for Equine Therapy.
I have also taught Couple's Massage Classes along with classes on how to use the Theracane and other self massage tools.
Years later I broadened my knowledge by studying at The Colorado School of Energy Studies with Anna Chitty & John Chitty, becoming a Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapist in 2010, studying Craniosacral therapy for Babies with John Chitty in 2010 and again studying with Anna Chitty to become a Polarity Life Coach in 2024.
Multiple people and places have really shaped me as a therapist. These include:
2001-2008 I worked at Coreance Rehabilitation and Training Center, a physical therapy clinic, This, along with my work in Nepal shaped who I have become as a therapist. At Coreance, I worked primarily with people in motor vehicle accidents, sport related injuries-including many professional athletes, as well as pre and post surgical patients.
2003 Kathmandu, Nepal, I volunteered for 6 months at a live-in center, Shanti Sewa Griha. in many cases people were either left on the door steps by their family members, found living on the street or countless other possabilities due to their health. I worked with adults and children with cerebral palsy, stroke, Leprosy, Tuberculosis and burn victims to name a few.
2022 and 2024 Sindhupalchok, Nepal, I volunteered with Inner Ocean trekking to multiple villages to set up health clinics and provided massage and craniosacral therapy to a variety of patients including Frozen shoulder, digestion issues, overuse injuries and trauma.
Concussions. Over the 26 years that I have been in practice, I have seen infants on their very first day, and seen people on their very last day on earth, and everything in-between. Whether a professional dancer, rock climber, ultra marathoner, former green beret, teenager, mom, dad, grandmother, Eagle watch volunteer, bodyworker I am here to meet you where you are, and support you in your journey of continuing health.
When I am not at my office I am choreographing for my dance company, Nosilla Dance Project, hiking or spending time with my family. Over the years I have enjoyed travelling in Asia and South America. I volunteered in Nepal in 2003, at a health clinic and then again, in 2022 and 2024 where I set up health clinics in various Villages. I provided massage and craniosacral therapy.
Most likely you will get to meet Nani Bean. She attends most sessions. She is a very friendly face upon arrival and then enjoys taking a nap during sessions. When she is not in the office she is hiking, obsessively chasing balls or snuggling with her family.